First, let start off with a couple of flowers since the drosera are flowering....
Drosera Natalensis Flower

Drosera Burmannii Humpty Doo Flower

The flower stalk of the Burmannii at it's record tallest with me, 30cm +

DM Funnel Trap (Still thinking of a proper name to change) Putting out some bigger traps

DM Cupped Trap - Putting out a lot of growth

Nepenthes Gracilis seedling

Nepenthes Rebecca Soper

Heliamphora Minor

Drosera Beleziana young plants

Drosera Burmannii Humpty Doo Young plant

Office plants under LED
Cephalotus F. - Leaf pulling at 6months ?

DM Cupped Trap small diversion

Pinguicula Moranensis Hybrid - Duo