Been busy lately, has been taking a lot of photos but don't really have the time to upload. Here's what been happening to the carnivorous little fellas....
D Adelae : The little one has grown too much, its time to remove before it suffocate at such a tiny hole
D. Andromeda no.7 : Looking good still
D. Erythrorhiza: The tuberous sundew has send up it's new stolon
More tubers awakening
P. Moranensis Hybrid: 2 pots that has been struggling through the heat
D. Prolifera: My latest addition. 2nd attempt. The first one couldn't take the heat. Hope this one can.
Byblis Liniflora: Has be growing taller and taller
N. Rafflesiana: The latest pitcher has darken, and producing sweet nectar.
N. Hookeriana Tish Np 14: First pitcher after potted up, took about a month or so to stabilize
N. Ampullaria Green : 14Oct A new pitcher is opening up

20 Oct: Opened up nice and green
N. Campanulata: Flower!! What a Joke
N. (Lowii X Campanulata) : New plant arrived!
Pot it up really quick and cut off what I think I should
N Bicalcrata: The fangs grew longer
N. Ampullaria: When I first got it on 1st july. Now it surprised me with 2 ground pitcher. Looks like it has been there for a short while. The lids looks freshly opened and there were moss around the top and I had already remove them
This was on the right, well formed
While this on the left looks a little deformed
N. Gracilis : At my mum's place has been growing very well:
There was this tiny spidy on top