Nepenthes Lowii x Campanulata 09 Jan

Nepenthes Northiana 10 jan

Drosera Marston Dragon flower stalk 10Jan


29 jan

Nepenthes Spectabilis X Aristolochioides 10 jan

16 jan

20 jan

Drosera Nidiformis 10 jan

Drosera ? from Chris Davis (could be intermedia) 13 jan

Nepenthes Ampullaria 16 jan I cut off the stem for rooting along with this pitcher a week later.

Nepenthes Lady Luck 17 jan Old and new pitcher

Sarracenia Red Apache 17 jan Don't really look like 1

Drosera MArston Dragon 19 jan The spider must have miss a footing when it jumped.. smash it's face into the dews lol

Nepenthes Miranda 21 jan

Nepenthes Gracilis 21 Jan Ground basal.

Nepenthes Hookeriana 22 jan

Nepenthes Campanulata 29 jan

End of part 1