Here's what it is, a mosquito larvae.... many of them

Another stage, ready to emerge as a dangerous mosquito

I immediately pour away all the water from all the trays, let it dry for the day befrore toppping up with water again the next day . We should all do our to keep the environment safe. Mosquito can be quite deadly if they carry diseases.
What we can do :
1. check the water tray often, at least every 3 days for foreign creatures like mosquito larvae.
2. Let the water tray dry out between watering, it not only keep the pest away, it also let the plant root and media breath
3. Put mosquito and pest prevention tablets or solution but also make sure it is safe for carnivorous plants. (eg: "Mosquito dunk" is very popular among Carnivorous plants hobbyists, it is safe for cp)
Either way, enjoy your CP hobby and cheers! Here's a drum of Glenmorangie Duthac to enjoy while admiring my plants.