No change to all the sleeping VFT seeds. "Tiny", my 2nd germinated Drosera Anglica was moved to a newly prepared TC Medium, its alone and after like almost a week, no sign of contamination.
TC Sundew batch has no obvious contamination but some seeds looked like has germinated, it's all blurry and I could not get a good shot, so I wont post any photo.
Day 49, "Fittest's" Trap has grow a little, but isn't going to open up any time yet as it's still 30% developed I think.
Day 45, "Santa's" been getting quite big, its really making a lot of difference comparing with "Fittest" in the seedling days Look!
"Fittest" seedling picture, day 10 after sow.
Germinated approx 10 days later
Developed few roots hairs approx 2 days later
Fully develop first 2 leafs approx 11 days later (13 Days)
"Santa" a seed from Royal Red cultivar
Germinated approx 29 days later after sow
16 days later, no roots hair observed yet.(16 days and still no full first 2 leafs yet)
Growth rate is very different from "Fittest" from Mix batch, different thickness, different rate. I wonder why? "Fittest" is a seed from a mixtures of different cultivar VFT from Indonesia, "Santa" is from Royal Red, from Germany.
Another thing I suspected was, "Santa's" root could be in the seed pod and leaf were the ones that popped out first. Well, we'll see.
"Santa"!! Day 45
As for "Caterpillar", it's greenish color has drained a little, I'm getting a little worried, although it has grow a little, I've decided to pot it into a very tiny container, with 100% LFS , distill water in a small water tray. So we wont be seeing "Caterpillar" and "Tiny" for a while.
"Caterpillar" last photo shoot from water