The sundew germinated seeds remain in the potting and agar. It should be easier to observe when there is obvious growth in the potting, but the agar container holding TC Sundew batch and "Tiny" cannot be seen clearly.
There is some observation on "Fittest". Looks like the traps are taking shape slowly, I also think the cilia are forming from bottom upwards.
"Santa"!! Full or surprises!
Another surprise took place while observing a few hours ago. I have been thinking why is "Santa's" development so different from "Fittest". What I saw earlier had me more confuse. When "Santa" first germinate, I thought it is going to be normal just like any other Typical VFT especially "Fittest", some time last month, "Santa" don't look like roots growth, I was some how sure leaves were going to form. Today, I don't know what am I looking at. Callus is forming?? The process is still "Water Germination" Some enlightenment would be great here.
Mixed Batch - "Fittest" Day 53, Cilia forming
RR DR Batch - Royal Red seed "Santa" forming callus?
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