Nepenthes Campanulata on the far right, and some plants from the MO(not mine)

Nepenthes Campanulata : potted up!

Nepenthes updates...
The newest Rafflesiana refuse to open it's lid, and it's still swelling..

Mean while, the stowaway Raff no.2 has grown so much and so fast.

Nepenthes Ampullaria : That stressed pitcher update, maybe it's a intermediate pitcher?

Nepenthes Ampullaria : While the same plant has a very brown new leaf

Nepenthes Hookeriana Tri color : The old and new pitcher comparison, the new one has a dark red lid :)

Nepenthes Viking Seed grown : Like a baby

At the mean time........ this jumping spider (salticidae) has been lurking around controlling the tiny ant population. Good job spidy!

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