Distill water 80ml
a pinch agar-agar powder
a drip of coloring
a pinch of sugar
a plastic food wrap on top with holds for passing of gasses
TC Batch - VFT anf Sundew seeds 21 Dec 2012

I continue to read about tissue culture and went to the very first post were Matt and a few others research very intensely in Tissue culture, it was really interesting on how they experiment with the methods, I was a little worried about germs and bacterial at that time.
One week later, I've observed some blackish stuff in the media, I could only suspect bacterial, I did not want it to kill my seedlings.

I quickly make plans to replate them, as I don't have any basic tissue culture equipments and tools, I resort to using what ever I have and sterilize as best as I could think of in an hours(thanks to plenty of reading over a couple of days before)
I use a baby bottle sterilizer and distill water to sterilze my used glass containe. Re-sterilize seeds using only 10% bleach, that is the only stuff I have at the moment. Distill water and sugar for mixture(No MS or BAP or PPM to be found in Singapore, I've tried google, etc), transfer stuff as fast as I could as I do not have any clean room or a good area to work with. My pincer was wiped with Alcohol swipes that was meant for wounds.
Its the best I could with everything I have.
TC VFT Batch and TC SD Batch - replated 28 Dec 2012
Keeping fingers cross

What happen with them? Did they germiated???