It's been a while since I've posted something. There is nothing much happening except massive growth of algae in "Fittest's" pot. I am beginning to worry about root rot and think I should do something about it. I see the Sphagnum always opens up after a while. It's not as stable as I think as a potting media for VFT seedling.
I made plans for proper soil mix for seedling and young VFT. Decided on Silica sand and Peat Moss so I could mix 50 / 50. I've been to a few place, peat moss was easy find but silica sand wasn't. Deciding not to waste more time n effort on sand, I went ahead with perlite.
This is how "Fittest's" pot look like, now I'm very sure it's algae and I should do something about it.
The product I bought,perlite and peat moss. Rinse them and soak them in distill water for a while. Mix 50/50, don't really like the look of the outcome, prefer sand but never mind, as long as it does it's job. I drop the new pot into a water tray of distill water so it would moist the soil.
I took "Fittest" out very slowly by using a large tweezer to pick it from a larger area, then I drop "Fittest" into a small cap of distill water to rinse off the sphagnum. Took a few photo. On the new pot, I made a small opening on the top soil with the tweezer and gently place "Fittest" root in, then gently use my fingers to close the soil around it. Now "Fittest's" in it's new home and I hope it stays there and grow well for at least the next whole year or so.
Swimming in the pool!
In it's new home!
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